Wednesday 11 May 2016

Dairy Free Chocolate Brookies (Brownie/Cookies)

I discovered this recipe on Lily Pebble's Blog and it is probably one of the best recipes I have ever came across online. I'm not the biggest fan of brownies purely because I find them too heavy and sickening but I love the taste and when combined with a cookie recipe I couldn't resist giving the recipe a go. Plus the ingredients are simple and I'm sure you will have every one of them in your kitchen cupboards.

Every time I make these people always comment on how good they taste, my friend Grainne called them "the lightest most magical things!" 

The recipe makes around 70 small brookies! They have a very light texture, the outside is slightly crunchie but the inside is spongy but slightly gooey.  The only downside to this recipe is that you need to leave the mixture to set overnight in a fridge, so I would recommend making the mixture the night before you plan on making them, but I promise it is well worth the wait! 

So here's what you need...


  • 85g good quality cocoa powder
  • 400g caster sugar
  • 125ml vegetable oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 250g plain flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 60g icing sugar


  • Large bowl
  • Wooden Spoon or Electric Mixer
  • Sieve
  • Cling Film
  • Baking Paper 
  • 2 Baking Trays
  • Plate
  • Teaspoon
  • 2 Cooling Racks

1) In a large bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, caster sugar and vegetable oil until they are well combined. 

2) Then beat in one egg at a time, making sure that there are no lumps.

3) Then add in the vanilla extract. Next add in the salt. Sieve in the flour and baking powder. Mix this until it is well combined. 

4) Once you have finished mixing, cover the bowl with cling film and place in the fridge over night. 

The next day: once the mixture has set...

5) Preheat the oven to 180'C or Gas Mark 4. 

6) Line the baking trays with baking paper, you will be making them in batches so you might need to change the paper between each batch.

7) Pour the icing sugar onto a plate.

8) Take the mixture out of the fridge and using a teaspoon, scoop up small dollops of the mixture and roll it in the icing sugar to form a ball. Make sure the ball is covered in icing sugar and then place this on the tray. PS it is messy but oddly therapeutic.

9) Repeat step 8 until you have filled each tray and make sure they are spaced apart on the tray so that they don't merge together whilst cooking.

10) Place the trays into the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes.

11) Once the time is up allow them to cool for 5 minutes on the trays before transferring them onto a cooling rack and then preparing the rest of the mixture as stated above onto the trays.

If your any way like me, the majority of them will be eaten before they have had a chance to cool but I hope you enjoy this recipe just as much as I do. If you do make them, make sure to take a picture and send them into my facebook page 'Maria Glenn' so I can see all the magical creations and let me know what you think! 

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