Saturday 5 March 2016

My Everyday Skincare Routine for Sensitive/Oily Skin

The Background Story....

Since the age of about 9 I've had a skincare routine. I remember my mammy coming home with a Simple skincare set including a packet of wipes and a light moisturiser. I've always been obsessed with products and samples! I can remember going over to the Debenhams counter on a Saturday and going to my local chemist and seeing if they had any free samples going. I would have taken anything they had, it didn't matter if it was an anti-aging eye cream, I was going to try it. This didn't work out very well for my skin unfortunately and after trying a foaming Olay cleanser one day my skin took a horrible reaction, my cheeks were covered in bumps and spots and were roaring red, it was so painful. I went to the doctors who gave me a acne gel. I knew that it was not acne, this was self inflicted! So after reading online I took some anti-histamine tablets and reverted back to my Simple products and it had cleared up in a week or two.

This experience when I was about 13 made me so much more aware of the products that I choose to apply to my face. Skincare is so important, being a make up lover I completely appreciate how much a healthy, cleansed and glowing base before applying my make up can make it sit and last a lot better and longer on the skin. There is only so much make up can cover! I have been blessed with good skin, all be it that is it very sensitive but I'm lucky to never have any major break outs (fingers crossed) apart from the odd spot here and there. 

I have finally developed a routine that is working for me, all of the products are easy to get your hands on and are suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Two rules that I have learned from Caroline Hirons (Skincare expert- check out her blog!) is that wipes are a no-go and foams/mineral oils should not be used for cleansing.

AM Routine

1) Cleanse:

My morning routine consists of first cleansing my face using the Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel. I working a pump of this into my dry skin until it has melted into an oil from the original gel, then I run a face cloth under the tap with warm water and then use it to wash off the cleanser. I then like to splash my face with water, mainly to wake myself up.

I then head into my bedroom where I keep the majority of my skincare (mainly because there is not enough room in the bathroom and it doesn't be as hot). I know it might sound a little princess like, but I love using the DHC Silky Cotton pads for any toners/cleansers, I try and alternate between these and normal cotton pads from Tescos but I just find that they are so much more gentle on the skin (they'd need to be as they are nearly £5 a box).

I use the Simple Micellar Water on a cotton pad as my second cleanse. As I haven't been wearing any make up over night I think this works well as a gentle cleanser. The micellar properties attract to the 'dirt' in your skin and help lift it off (that's the simple way of explaining it). 

2) Tone:

I then move onto Toner. I have been alternating between the Simple one and the La Roche Posay Serozinc. The traditional use for a toner is to remove any products such as cleansers that still might be left on the skin, I love using the Serozinc for its zinc properties. It helps with my oily t-zone and helps to calm my skin if I am suffering from any breakouts. 

3) Exfoliate: 

I ordered a bottle of the Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid last week and I have been testing it out the past few days. This is a liquid exfoliant that contains salicylic acid, this acid helps to unclog and deminish large pores, reduces redness, and creates even toned and radiant skin. My skin had not been great the past few days (I'm convinced it's down to the heating in work and the fact I'd been wearing a full face of make up for nearly 20 hours oopss). This bottle came in the post just in time. I was a little scared at first about having to use an acid but this one is just so gentle, my face didn't go bright red which I was expecting to happen and it was not burning, it was in fact quite soothing on the skin. The next day my skin already feels smoother and a lot less red and blotchy! Think I've found a new favourite. It's available on the Paula's Choice Website. 

4) Eye Cream: 

I then move onto eye cream. The one that I am loving is the Keihl's Creamy Avocado Eye Treatment. I find that the outside of my eyes to be quite dry and red most of the time and it can be quite sore as well, but this eye cream has really helped to soothe them and make it look less inflamed. I don't quite know if it is helping with any wrinkles or fine lines because I'm quite young yet but it's working for what I want it to do so I'm happy enough.

5) Serum: 

The next step is serum. I think of this step as the 'boosting' step. It is when I'm feeding my skin with nice ingredients. The one I am using at the minute is the Boots Botanics All-Bright Serum. This super lightweight active serum easily absorbs and works to energise the skin. It gives the skin a visible radiant glow and over time leaves skin looking brighter and refreshed. Hibiscus is nature's brightness booster which helps to increase the skins radiance. The natural AHAs from the flower act as mild exfoliators to help leave skin smoother and brighter. 

6) Moisturise:

For moisturiser, I have always used the Simple range. It's so cheap and I haven't had any problems with it in the past so I've been sticking with it. I like to use the Simple Hydrating Light Moisturiser, its completely fragrance free which I love and it creates the perfect hydrating base for make up. I have an oily t-zone, and I find this moisturiser to not be too heavy on the skin and it absorbs very quickly!

PM Routine

My Night time skincare routine consists of using nearly all of the same products as before with a little added. Usually at this time I am normally removing all my make up. 

1) Cleanse: 

I massage a pump or two of the Oskia Cleanser into my dry skin (I know the thought of it terrifed me the first time I tried it) but it really helps to break down the make up. I also use this to massage gently onto my eyes to remove any eye shadow or mascara. I then use a damp face cloth that I have run under tepid water to remove it. Although the majority of my make up is removed at this stage I like to use the Simple Moisturising Face Wash to remove an residue.

To remove an excess eye makeup I like to alternate between the Simple Micellar Water and the Clarins Instant Eye Make up Remover. Both work equally as well if I'm being honest but sometimes for water proof mascara or eyeliner it needs that extra oily power that the Clarins one has.

2) Toner

I then move onto toner and use the Simple one. I use this on a cotton pad and gently wipe it around my face.

3) Exfoliate

Then I move onto my Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid which exfoliates and treats the skin now that it is thoroughly cleansed. 

4) Eye cream

I then apply my Kiehl's eye cream and apply this around my eye. 

4) Serum

I then use the Botanics Radiance Serum and apply 3 drops of this all over my face and pat it in.

5) Oil

If my skin is feeling a bit sad then I will apply some of the Botanics Facial oil, only a drop of this and pat it into the skin and massage it in.

6) Moisturise

For the evenings, I like to use the Simple Vital Vitamin Night Cream, this is a lot richer than the one I use in the mornings, just because I want my skin to get a good dose of moisture over night.

I know it sounds a bit excessive, but I really enjoy the routine I have at the moment. I do this routine day and night religiously, and if you know me then you'll know that even after a night out, I will come home at 3am and go through every step just as I would when I'm sober. 

So if you take anything from this post it is that to stop using face wipes! Invest in a good oil, cream or balm cleanser and a packet of face cloths from primark and cleanse your skin. I sometimes think of people who use face wipes like this. Imagine you are just using wipes to wash your body with for a few days, its not pleasant, well that's how your face feels. It needs a proper cleanse!

I hope you enjoyed reading about what I use for my face, if you have any questions about your own skin care routine then message me on my Facebook page 'Maria Glenn' and I'll get back to you. I'm no expert but I have found what works for me and what doesn't and I know where to go for advice.

Hope you have a good skin week :-) 

Lots of love,
Maria xx

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