Sunday 24 January 2016

Story Time: The Lash Curler Incident

If you are one of my close friends then you probably already know the story that I am about 
to tell, but I thought that I would share it again purely for everyone's amusement.

So I'll set the scene, it was a Wednesday night and I was planning on going out the town with my mammy. I'd came in from school and decided to change out of my uniform and pop on some makeup. All was going fine until it came to my eyes. I picked up the lash curler (which might I add I got for about 99p on holidays!!) and was curling my lashes. Got the first eye done, that was fine. Then I moved onto my right eye, whatever way I held the curler, I must have flinched and before I knew it I'd pulled all the eyelashes off my right eye. This inevitable left me in tears and in shock, my eye was swollen and I felt so stupid crying about it because it's probably the biggest first world problem I have ever had!

On a side note, it was also two weeks before my school formal which wasn't 'eye-deal' (jokes) to be going to with a bald eye lid as I liked to call it.

So here is five things I've learnt about loosing my eyelashes:

1) Eyelashes are so important! My eye looked so tired compared to it's hairy counterpart. Lashes do a lot when it comes to making you look awake.

2) False lashes are your friend but they are so expensive when you have to wear them everyday! I wasn't going to walk about with no lashes so I resulted into buying fake ones and wearing them every day to school, which also meant I had to get up earlier to catch the bus.

3) They take a while to grow back. This incident happened around October in 2013 and still to this day I still can notice that the hairs are a lot more sparse on the damaged eye.

4) It's happened to other people. I felt like the most studpidest person in the world, so I turned to goggle when the accident happened and it was oddly reassuring knowing that I wasn't the only one.

5) Invest in a good set of eyelash curlers. I had bought a cheap pair on holidays and the sponge bit was a bit worn and covered in mascara (side note:always clean the mascara off it too!) It took me two years to finally invest in a pair (to the anger of my mother who warned me to never bring another pair into the house opps). I decided on the Shu Uemura ones which I bought for around £20 in SpaceNk. 

It's safe to say that I have learnt my lesson. Even though I own the lash curlers, it's on the rare ocassion that I use them. I think i'll just stick to my trusty Benefit Roller Lash Mascara and some falsies rather than having the fear of possibly being bald again.

I hope this made you laugh a little or simply taught you that those lash curlers are dangerous if you don't use them properly. I think the only thing that has came out of this is that I can now apply false lashes in a record time! 

Lots of love,
Maria xx

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