Monday 7 March 2016

How to: Whiten Your Teeth at Home

I have always been a fan of whiter teeth.And by white I mean the sparkling healthy looking white (not the episode of Friends where Ross' teeth are glowing in the dark lol). I have tried a load of things throughout the years to try and maintain the natural whiteness of my teeth and have finally discovered some things that work for me.

I had my teeth professionally whitened once I had my braces removed a few years ago and I have tried to maintain their colour since. I think a big factor as to me being able to keep them white is that I don't drink tea, coffee or red wine, in fact if you know me you'll know I rarely drink anything without a straw (I even carry them with me if I'm going places). Not only does this prevent your teeth from becoming stained but it also decreases the amount of enamel that these drinks can wear away. 

I have experienced sensitive teeth for years and my whole family swears by the Sensodyne Gently Whitening tooth paste. I use this day and night, and any time I use another tooth paste it just doesn't do the job.

I also use an electric toothbrush and have done since a young age, it was recommended by my dentist. I own one from Oral B, yes they are expensive but they are on offer sometimes in Superdrug for around £30 and they come in pink too (of course I own a pink one!) 

In the mean time I have been whitening my teeth at home using the Crest 3D White Whitestrips (Luxe Professional Effects). These are sold in the chemists around America but they are not sold here in the UK, I think it has something to do with the level of peroxide that they contain. However, I pick mine up on Ebay, the price varies depending on how many you order but they are not overly expensive. They come in sachets with two strips, a larger one for your top row of teeth and a shorter one for the bottom row. It is recommended that you keep them on for 30minutes. I normally put them on before I go into the shower and then take them out after I have dried my hair which is normally an hour later. 

I always use them at night time, because from past experiences it is recommended that you do not eat or drink anything that might stain your teeth (eg: tea, coffee, orange juice, curry, tomato soup etc) for a few hours after removing the strips. So I find giving my teeth a break over night really helps. I like to use the Sensodyne toothpaste prior to and following the treatment just to keep the sensitivity away. I use these about once a month or even more rarely if it is coming up to an event.

For the times in between, I have been using a different tooth paste along with my Sensodyne one. This was recommended to me by my mammy who had heard about it from my auntie. and it is called Email Diamant Red Original Toothpaste, I pick mine up from Ebay/Amazon for around £7.99 and the tube lasts for ages. This toothpaste is bright red and contains a red colouring that enhances the gum and tooth contrast. Essentially it dyes the gums a brighter colour of red so that the teeth appear more white whilst also containing natural light reflectors and extra gentle polishing agents to whiten the teeth. This product is best applied with a dry toothbrush after you have used your normal tooth paste. Just imagine it has the same effect as when you put on a red lipstick and it makes your teeth look pearly and white. This formula contains no peroxide so is completely suitable to protect the enamel and not leaving your teeth sensitive. I notice the different right away from using this, however it is a quick fix for a night out and will wear away after a day or so whereas the whitening strips offer a more long lasting effect.

I hope this post helps you achieve some pearly whites at home!

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