Friday 15 April 2016

The Best Ways To Remove Fake Tan

We all have tanning mishaps, it's part of growing up isn't it? But it's what to do when those horrible moments happen is what I will be discussing with you today. I have very sensitive skin, so sometimes endless scrubbing at my skin can leave it completely raw red. I usually just let the fake tan run its course and fade off naturally, but being a tan obsessor like myself, sometimes you need to get that tan from last week off ASAP purely to put a fresh new layer on for the coming weekend! And it's these products that I am going to talk about that have done the job for me.

First of all, head to Primark and pick up a set of the exfoliating gloves for £1.00. I got a Soap and Glory one in a gift set and if I'm being honest, the Primark ones were just as good if not better and cheaper of course (who doesn't love a bargain!) These gloves are great to use on their own, or with some shower gel to exfoliate skin prior to tanning and for removing tan around the wrists and elbows.

Another mitt that I love using is the St Tropez Tan Remover Mitt, this is a black mitt that is very rough. It is great for using once you have been in the shower for a while, it's the last step in my shower routine. I turn off the water and start scrubbing in sweeping motions up and down my arms and legs. This is rougher than the gloves, but it has amazing results, especially for the hands and feet and legs. It does leave my skin bright red afterwards, but it calms down within an hour and my skin feels so soft and tan free.

I used to always use the 'No More Dramas' scrub, but I found that once I used it with water it would just dissolve and I wouldn't get that scrub that I desired. That's when I discovered the Cocoa Brown 'Tough Stuff' in the 'Isle of Doom' in Penny's (the isle beside the till that's hard to pass without being tempted to buy something!). I'd been following the owner and creator of Cocoa Brown Marissa Carter on Snapchat at the time and she did a before and after using this product and I instantly knew I needed to pick up a bottle, she also does regular panels on TV3 Xpose and recommends this to anyone with tan disasters.

The 'Tough Stuff' is exactly what it says on the tube. It's a watery consistency but has very fine but tough particles that help to exfoliate the skin. It maintains it's scrubby-ness and means you have a good time to work with the product. It's also bright pink and has a gorgeous floral scent which helps a lot. I use this on its own at the end of my shower once my skin has had time to soften with the hot water and you can see the tan coming off instantly on the shower tray. If you want double the strength try using it along with the tan remover mitt!

My newest tan removing discovery is the cheapest and most natural of them all.. Brown Rice Flour! I had read about this on Katies Curvy Closet Blog. At first I was a bit confused at the thought of using flour and water to remove tan, but this flour when mixed with water makes a very fine scrub, that is so gentle! And because it is not loaded with colourants and perfumes, it's perfect for even the most sensitive of skin. I headed to my local Holland and Barrett to pick up a bag and went to the till, Daniel who served me asked me 'If you don't mind me asking, but do you plan on cooking with this flour?', to which I replied 'No', I didn't want him to think I was weird and using it for tan. But he already had me sussed out and said 'So your using it remove fake tan!' I laughed and said 'Aye' and he said that they are constantly selling it, and he always asks if they plan on using it for baking and they never do! It's so strange how someone can mention a product or item and suddenly the whole world wants their hands on some! For a 500g bag it costs £2.25. Rice Flour has antioxidant properties, and also contains phytic acid which is the exfoliating agent that helps to remove the tan, when using it as a scrub it also increases blood flow to the skin and helps renew and get rid of dead skin cells on the skins surface (also known as scaly tan!) To use the rice flour, I get a small bowl and mix one table spoon of flour to one tablespoon of water ratio, it really depends on how much of your tan you want to scrub off, and then just use it like you would a normal exfoliator.

I really hope some of these tips work, and you never have to suffer a faux tan fail ever again. Something I can't help but mention is to continuously moisturise your skin, I love the Soap and Glory ones and the Kiehl's Creme de Corps for a special treat! 

May you tan never be scaly again. 

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