Thursday 31 March 2016

6 Things That Could Be Causing Your Spots

I've had my fair share of spots throughout my life and it's safe to say that every time I see one appearing it bothers me just as much as the first time I had one! I think for girls, we can be so self conscious of having spots but then again, we also have the glory of being able to apply concealer to cover any of our imperfections up. Through reading skincare blogs and personal experiences I have came across a few things that have caused my skin to break out, so here are 6 things that could be causing them horrible spots.

1) Do you remove your make up properly?

I know it is such a chore but removing your make up before you go to bed is so important. If you don't remove it, or even if you don't remove it properly it is just clogging your pores and you are not giving your skin a break. I will always suggest using a oil/cream cleanser and a clean damp face cloth to remove make up as appose to a face wipe which you have probably discovered reasons why in my skincare routine post. 

2) When was the last time you changed your pillow case?

I'd recommend changing your pillow case at least once a week. The amount of oils and products that build up on your pillow case from left over make up, fake tan, sweat (boke) and hair products that you'd sometimes forget about, all of which will not be benefiting your skin one bit!

3) Have you been using new make up or skincare?

Everyone's skin has a sensitivity to some products and the ingredients in them can cause break outs. I myself find that products that have strong perfumes tend to bring me out in spots, also heavy coverage foundation are a killer. I think the best way to keep your skin clear is to stick to a routine for a few months and trust me you will really notice a difference. Give you skin a chance to adapt to the routine by not chopping and changing products, sometimes less is more. 

4) Are you using any new hair care products?

I have noticed in the past that I have got spots on my fore head close to my hair line and around my temples and after going through all the products I had been using I realised that it had been down to using a new shampoo. I used to wash my face in the shower but now I don't go near it, I make sure to stand in front of the shower and tilt my head back so no hair products are going close to my face or running down my face. The same can apply to heat protectant sprays and hair sprays, just make sure and cover/shield your face when spraying your hair, its made for your hair, not your face!

5) Sugary Diet? 

The one thing I notice the most. I'm not a tea/coffee drinker so I do manage to drink a lot of water when I am working. But see when I am in the house I drink flavoured water or dizzy drinks, and I sometimes forget to drink water instead. I really start to notice spots appearing around my mouth and nose area and I know that it's down to the amount of sugar I am consuming. They do say that when you eat crap it will show on your face through bloating and spots! I have also in the past year started to take one of the Superdurg Hair Skin and Nails Multi Vitamins, I started this for my hair and nails but I do think it has make my skin a lot brighter and I haven't had as many spot, it's also helped decrease healing time and scarring for blemishes, definitely worth a go!

6) Have you been keeping it clean?

Be honest and admit the last time you washed your make up brushes. Make up brushes and applicators are the perfect breading ground for bacteria, even if you don't have time to wash all of them, just wash your foundation, powder and concealer brushes. If your using a concealer brush to cover a spot you are just transferring this bacteria all around your face. Another thing is to wash your hands with soap and water before applying make up or doing your skincare particularly if you are using your hands to apply it. Another tip is that when you are using a concealer that comes with an applicator, use the applicator and apply the product onto the back of your hand and apply it to your face from there. This means that you are not transferring and storing the bacteria in the concealer tube. 

And if you do still get a spot, just grin and bear it out. The less you poke at it the less red and inflamed it will be. I know people use sudocream/toothpaste to 'heal' spots but to be honest it's a pile of crap, we use it in the hospital for patient's who develop a reaction to pads and I have never seen it work. It is only to be used very sparingly otherwise it's purpose is completely useless. You are only drying up the surrounding skin, the spot itself is caused my inflammation, oils, bacteria and dead skin cells, no water in site so there is nothing there to 'dry up' with sudacreme. One spot treatment I would recommend is the Origins Super Spot Remover, this is really stingy once applied to the spot but overnight the size of the spot will be reduced!

Let us pray for a spot free week!

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