Saturday 23 January 2016

Starting Something New!

My name is Maria Glenn, I'm 19 and a 2nd Year Student Nurse from Northern Ireland. I have read blogs for years when looking for inspiration on new products to try and general life advice. So I made it my new years resolution for 2016 to start my own and hopefully stick to it (emphasis on the word 'hopefully'!). I want to be able to share some of the beauty products that I am loving at the minute and hopefully share some tips and tricks I have learnt along the way. I'm no expert, I just really love beauty products! In fact, it's really all I buy with my money, I think the postman even knows I have a problem!

I just get so much happiness from the whole world of beauty, I love nothing more than when pay day comes and I walk full force into Boots (with my advantage card of course!) and just walk around the aisles completely mesmerized by all the packaging and make up. I have to admit that I probably own far too much stuff that I know I will never use up, but it's what makes me happy. I think I've talked enough now.. you get the gist: I'm addicted to buying beauty products. Hopefully you'll learn more about me through reading my posts and I'm really excited for you all to come along this new blogging journey with me! 

Lots of Love,
Maria xx

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